Tag: Financial Services Marketing Expertise

The Opportunity for Community Banks has Never Been Better Most households have always been pretty reluctant to move their primary banking relationship. However, the pandemic and rise of new digital banking options have altered switching behavior, creating a big opportunity for those financial institutions that are aggressive and a risk [...]

Harness The Power of Digital Video Advertising! This blog will help you understand how you can elevate your bank’s brand messaging with digital video. Most community banks have never been able to justify the cost of spot television because of the inability to target their messages to just their bank’s [...]

The Media Landscape Has Radically Changed. Digital transformation in the financial services industry has reached the stage where community banks need the assistance of outside marketing communication specialists to help navigate the new digital platforms and more traditional media channels. Those specialists should have an in-depth understanding of banking products [...]

Refresh. Revitalize. Rebrand. Get Sales and Profits Growing. Older community banks have built substantial brand equity over the lifetime of their bank. Many of these organizations are constantly wrestling with ways to get their financial institution growing at a level that will satisfy their board of directors. While there are [...]

Marketing During an FI Merger or Acquisition.   If you are planning a bank or credit union merger, or if you have one taking place in your footprint market, you have some major marketing opportunities happening over the next year. As a marketer, the choices become pretty clear if you [...]